Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Great Myth – Common Sense Rules

Then a couple years back I realized something. I am a big proponent of common sense and our species is rapidly losing that concept by the way. I mean it is actually unbelievable what we are told now in everything from politics to how to raise our kids…holy cow. But I digress, that is another book entirely. And so if I use common sense in all aspects of my life, why in the world would I not do the same thing when it comes to losing weight? All I really wanted to do was to lose 10 or 15 pounds. Was that too much to ask for? I didn’t think so either. But come to find out, that is a lot harder than it sounds. But that is the point entirely. If you want to lose weight it is hard work! There are no shortcuts, besides liposuction, and who wants to go through that? So it all comes down to one thing…are you ready for it? Eat less and you will lose weight! Wait, Wait, Wait…I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I must be some kind of genius…or you want to kill me. Okay, maybe not, but bear with me. I know it is not that easy and we are getting to that. But if you think about it that is what it comes down to. So the big question is…drumroll please…how do we do that?