Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Great Myth – Why Diets Don’t Work

Okay, before everyone freaks out on me saying diets don’t work, let me explain. Yes, people lose weight all of the time by dieting. Maybe you like Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig, or, insert your favorite diet here. There are great programs out there. And, then there are some complete scams. The fact is, that you decide to go on a diet and then you usually end up paying quite a bit for it depending on what you choose. You complete the “program” and then what? Do you continue to buy their meals for life? No, you have to go back to eating real food and therein lies the problem. Usually you are eating foods that you probably don’t like as well when you are on a diet, right? So, when you go back to eating the food you normally eat after your diet it is easy to get carried away and quickly you are back to your old eating habits and right back to where you were. All of that hard work for nothing. Alas, the endless cycle of dieting! There has got to be a better way, right? Well, there is so please read on.