Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Great Myth – Good Stuff

There is no need to give up the foods and drinks that you love. If you do that then you will be miserable and that is why so many of us give up on our diets before we start to see results. The key is to just not eat as much. If you usually have 4 pieces of pizza, have 2 instead. Instead of buying the big bags of Doritos and grab big handfuls out of the bag, buy the small lunch size bags. It is a great way to have Doritos (or whatever chips you like) without the temptation of have the big open bag in front of you screaming at you to take just a few more. I love Corona. So when I get close to my goal for that day I will leave myself around 150 calories so I can sit down and enjoy an ice cold beer before bed. I love Coke, not Diet Coke, Coke. And I would drink 6 a day if I could. But that would be around 1000 calories per day and that wouldn’t leave me much room for much else. So I drink a few Diet Dr. Peppers during the day and maybe a small can of coke for lunch sometimes and that gives me something to look forward to. Also, just because you are looking to cut down on the calories doesn’t mean you need to cut out fast food. Again, it won’t be perfect, but if you google how many calories are in your favorite fast food then maybe you can fit that in during the week sometime. You will be surprised about what you can still eat. But, the catch is how much of it you eat.