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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

The Bowling Ball – Intro

My name is Brent and the first thing I think you should know is that I do not have a PHD in anything.  Well, I take that back.  My PHD is in real life experience from Common Sense University.    It seems like in today’s world, that people will only listen to those who have a doctorate’s degree or some degree of higher education.  But sometimes there is no better education than real life experience, and of course, common sense. Communication is by far the most important part of any relationship and this book helps explain how, in plain English, and not in terms that you could only understand with a degree from Harvard.  Not that Harvard isn’t a fine university, I’m sure it is.  If you are struggling now, or have struggled in the past with a relationship, then this book is a must read. You will discover how one simple step can change your relationships forever.  I decided to write this book because of what I have learned over the last decade or so in both the failure of a marriage and about what I want in life.  I believe so many people struggle in life because they are afraid to actually admit that they don’t have all of the answers themselves, and when they do decide to do a little research on whatever they are having trouble with, it seems like they are being talked down to and then feel stupid for even being in that situation. After that, they have decided that it’s not worth asking for help anymore.  I believe this book can help people by just getting some honest advice from a simple man. You don’t need a Harvard Degree to help people.  You just need the desire to want to help people, and that’s what I want. Now…On to Chapter One! 

About Me

So, who is this person that you have never heard of and why is he qualified to be writing about relationships?  That is a great question.  I could give you this long answer and make it sound like I really know what I’m doing.   But the truth is, I am just an average simple person from the mid-west that has learned a lot over my lifetime.  Sometimes I wish that I could go back and change things so maybe I could have avoided some of the heartache and hard times.  But until we invent a time machine so we can go back and change all of the bad decisions we have made, don’t hold your breath, we just have to accept that we are not perfect and live life to the fullest.  That is a big reason why I am writing this book.  I feel like if I can just help one person not make the same mistakes and nudge them in the right direction for a better life, then it was all worth it.  When I was growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, that should give you a small window of my life experience, things were so much different than they are today.  Divorce was still on the rise but not near as common as it is today.  I grew up with parents together but it was not always easy.  My father was an alcoholic, not physically abusive, but definitely verbally. I think my Mom and brother took the brunt of it. I do remember knowing that he was an alcoholic but I was the youngest and I think my father had mellowed a little by the time I was growing up. My mom and brother were not that lucky.  If I had been growing up in this day and age I don’t think there would be any doubt that my parents would have been divorced.  I think I had a pretty normal childhood and grew up and went to college.  Of course at that age you think everything will work out and most of us don’t worry about the future much.  I was married shortly after graduating college and started a family not long after that and before I knew it I had two beautiful daughters and my own business. Life was good, but that was about to change and the next thing I knew I was a divorced father in my thirty’s.  I couldn’t believe it.  How in the world did it come to this?  If only I would’ve taken my own advice back then maybe things could have worked out differently.  You might be wondering by now, what does all of this have to do with a bowling ball. You know what, you’re right. I think it’s time to start explaining the name of this book.