Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Sales Rep 101 – Chapter 21

Out in Public

Okay I realize that this topic may sting a bit but it needs to be said. When you are in sales you need to assume that every time you leave your house someone will see you that either has done business with you in the past or will consider doing business with you in the future. I know what you are thinking. You’re thinking that no one will recognize you on the weekend. Wrong! My point is that you need to be presentable when you are out in public if you are in sales. Because it will cost you business. Now, I’m not saying that you need to be in a 3-peice suit to go to the grocery store. But what I am saying that you should at least take a shower and comb your hair. And for God’s sake don’t run errands in your pajamas. I can’t tell you how often I see people out looking like they just got of bed put on some shoes and head out for the day. Get some pride! Also, if you are young and like to out on the weekends don’t do anything stupid. Like making a complete fool of yourself at a bar. Trust me, I know it happens. I had a friend of mine that used to go out all of the time when he was younger. He was loud and obnoxious and people don’t like that. And sure enough, he would run into people on sales calls that saw him out. Of course they didn’t call him out on the level of his stupidity. But do you think they thought a lot harder about doing business with him. Yep. He has told me that he has lost many clients over the years but apparently he does not learn lessons well. So, if you want to be in sales then you need to assume someone is watching you all of the time and that can make a difference. Remember, it is not that hard to be normal!