Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Great Myth – In Conclusion

Look everyone, I know you all probably have friends and friends of friends that have given you all sorts of advice over the years about how to lose weight. If not, then consider yourself lucky. My favorite is when I am having a conversation with someone and we are discussing different ways to lose weight and that person is very passionate about the subject. They may ask me what my favorite diet is and then I tell exactly what I just told you, but you know, a shortened version. And then they tell me that “it’s not just about the calories…it’s more about eating the right kinds of fats” or something else that is better. The problem is, that philosophy seems to not be working for them (trying to be nice) when I feel great. The point is to not let other people tell you what is best for you. Use the common sense that we have somehow forgotten how to use over the years. If you use these “tools” that I’ve laid out for you and you see results then that is what really counts. If you can find out how many calories you can have on a daily basis to maintain your weight, then you now know exactly how to lose weight. Either eat less and lose weight and eat more and gain weight….simple as that. I hope that I have explained this in such a simple way that you can see that you can do this. You just have to find what is driving you to lose weight and use that as motivation every single day. I will leave you with my favorite saying when it comes to losing weight. You can be Fat and Full…or Starving and Skinny. The starving will eventually go away but the fat won’t unless you make the change.