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Sales Rep 101 – Chapter 2

Is Sales Right For you

When people are thinking about starting a career in sales, I honestly believe that most people don’t really know what to expect. Especially if you are young like I was when I started. I sure wish I would have had access to this type of resource to help explain what I was getting myself into. It is true that Sales can be an unbelievable opportunity, but it is not for everyone. So is it right for you? First, let’s talk a little about what sales is in general. The reality is that there is actually a wide variety of sales opportunities and just because you may not be a good fit of one of them doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t accel in another.

Types Of Sales

So when you think of sales what type of job do you think of. Do you think of someone behind a counter taking your order? Or maybe someone that takes your phone call when you call a business to buy a product. Both of those are example of what is called inside sales. Inside sales are positions where you are inside of a business and you take care of customers that come inside the store. Another type of sales is called outside sales. This is where sales reps are out making sales calls trying to sell their product or service. Usually business to business. With type of sales it is all on you. You will be responsible for calling on businesses either by phone or walking into the business and asking to speak with the manager or owner. For example, maybe you are selling software to businesses. Or selling advertising like TV or Radio. In-home sales is also an example of outside sales. And that might be the toughest of all sales positions. You can find more on In-Home sales in the member library.

What It Takes

The big question is how to know what type of sales is the best fit for you. And the bigger question is how to know whether sales in general is a good fit. Let’s take the bigger question first. Working in sales means you are dealing with people everyday. Some more than others but that is your job. And you need to have the kind of personality that doesn’t mind meeting and talking to complete strangers. If you are more of an introvert then sales might not be the best fit. This is probably the most important question to ask yourself. You can be taught how to sell but you cannot be taught the ability to talk with people who you have just met. This is just something that you have inside of you. The ability to introduce yourself and have a normal conversation with strangers. I also truly believe that you either love sales or hate sales. I’m not sure there is an in-between area. Also, sales is a position where you are getting told no much more than you are told yes. You will need to not take things personally. When potential clients tell you no, you have to willing to let it go and move on to the next. And here is the thing. Not all of the rejections will be nice. Sometimes people can be rude and you need to be able to forget it and move on. If you think you will struggle with this then sales might not be a good fit. The reason most people love sales is because of the challenge or the game and competition of seeing how well you can do. And money is a factor too of course. You can do quite well financially if you are good in sales.

What Type Is Best For You – This is a very important question. But unfortunately, if you are relatively new to sales you may not know quite yet. And that is okay. Sales is one of those positions where it may take you a few jobs before you find out what you like. That’s the thing about sales. There is usually plenty of opportunity. Now, they will not all be good opportunities. But there should be plenty of different types of jobs to try. Don’t believe me? Just go to craigslist and search for sales jobs. Trust me. However, most of them are not something you would probably make a career out of but it will get you some great experience. But like I’ve said before, you can’t be afraid to move on to a new job if a job you take turns out to not be a good fit. I will tell you that the biggest difference between Inside sales and outside sales will be the internal drive it takes. With outside sales, you need to be hungry to make all of those sales calls and do whatever it takes to make sales. Do that, and you can be successful in outside sales. That is the reason that successful outside sales reps make good to great money. However, let’s say that you really enjoy visiting with people and helping customers find what they are looking for but maybe don’t feel like you have what it takes to be out making sales calls everyday. That is okay. Inside sales might be a better fit for you. You can still make good money but it will be a little less stressful. So now that you understand what sales is and what it takes, is it something that you would feel comfortable with? If so, then a Sales Career may be for you. But like I’ve said before, even though you may feel like sales is a good fit for you doesn’t automatically mean you will be good at it. To be successful it will take some hard work and a willingness to learn and get better. And you have found the right place to do just that.